The term ‘development’ is one that everybody uses yet, nobody understands. It splits the world in half, differentiating between ‘developed’ and ‘developing’ countries, and broadly defines discourse on international politics,
It was business time at COP on day 3, as dozens of informal meetings took place and the plot of COP17 began to take shape, with the developing/developed nation divide
Today the Green Climate Fund makes its highly anticipated arrival at COP17. All year the financing issues begun at the 2009 Copenhagen COP15 have been a hot talking point. So
Standing ovations finished the Cancun COP16 climate negotiations. The echoes of the Cancun applause have now worn off, and it’s time for hard decisions to be made at COP17 in
Technical details and legal and procedural complexities were the focus of Day 5. They also created biggest points of difference so far seen at COP16. Negotiators continued updating texts, in