
Ban Ki-Moon Summit Announced

S Neelakantan | November 21st, 2013

As the Warsaw UN climate change negotiations comes to an end, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon’s leaders summit on climate change has formally been announced. Robert Orr, assistant general-secretary of strategic planning,

COP19 March Wrap

Jade Neville | November 20th, 2013

Tradition has it that at each UNFCCC summit, passionate environmentalists, young and old, congregate together on the middle Saturday of the conference and march towards the convention centre. The message

Bigger or Smaller, What’s Better?

Sam Bowstead | June 21st, 2012

Every second day seems to be in recognition of something or the beginning of another conference. What makes Rio+20, the UN Conference on Sustainable Development any different? The UN regularly organises meetings

Russia and the Kyoto Protocol

Ben Coleridge | December 11th, 2010

The Russian Federation has announced its decision not to sign up to the second round of the Kyoto Protocol. Without going into detail on Russia’s arguments and reservations about the

Australian Media Coverage of COP 16

admin | December 10th, 2010

What? The Copenhagen climate change talks are on again? In Mexico? Huh? You can blame my ignorance on Julian Assange and his interminable WikiLeaks! While COP 15 had blanket coverage