
Features bring you key areas of analysis of the news.

El Momento Político de París

David Gawith | December 1st, 2015

Nunca antes tantos líderes políticos habían coincidido en el mismo lugar. Lo más sorprendente es que se reunieron a hablar del clima.

Pathways to Tackle Climate Change

Hamza Tahiri | September 1st, 2015

A review of domestic policies discussed at The Common Future under Climate Change 2015 conference.

Hot News From Wimbledon

Sonya Likhtman | July 12th, 2015

Wimbledon is known as the ‘wettest’ tennis grand slam, but not this year as heat prevents play and puts the future of tennis into jeopardy.

Celebrating the Big Blue

Malcolm J | June 8th, 2015

June 8 is World Oceans Day, why is the ocean so important and what does it take to develop a worldwide movement of citizen towards the ocean?

All Abuzz Over the Pope’s Encyclical

Yi Ying Teh | June 4th, 2015

To what extent will the encyclical on climate change impact the Paris climate talks?

PIPA: A Big Playground

Holly Dove | May 16th, 2015

How is the world’s largest marine protected area faring against the threats of climate change?