Fossil of the Day: Dine and Dash

Sydney Pead | December 2, 2014.

First day jitters were justified for some countries at the COP20 in Lima today, with the Fossil of the Day awarding four winners of the infamous prize. 

Australia, Austria, Belgium and Ireland came out on top for fossils of the day as the only developed countries yet to pledge money to the Green Climate Fund (GCF). 

Monday’s daily award was set at a dinner party, where nations dined on a supper of coal and oil. The four lagging fossil countries tried to sneak away without paying their share of the $10 billion bill but were caught out, named and shamed in front of onlooking COP20 participants. 

The GCF still remains short of the of the US$10 billion bench mark, standing at only $9.7 billion. 

Oxfam complied a fair share index, which considers ideal pledge amounts out of a $15 billion goal based on each respective country’s willingness, capability and responsibility. 

In this index, ideally Australia should pay $407 million. The other winners do not have a specific target from Oxfam.

 The fund is looking to have all pledges confirmed by the end of COP20 in mid-December. 

Photo and video: Climate Action Network International

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