About David Gawith

Latest from David Gawith

The New Boundaries of Warming

David Gawith | December 12th, 2015

The gavel has dropped on the most significant climate agreement of recent times. The final version of the Paris Agreement has the stated objective of holding the increase in global temperatures

Putting Lipstick on a Kiwi

David Gawith | December 10th, 2015

The UN climate change conference currently taking place in Paris drew the largest congregation of political power in history last week. It is now hosting an equally formidable gathering of

The 1.5 Placebo

David Gawith | December 10th, 2015

Moments before the Paris climate agreement is to be decided upon, the draft text (as of 3pm Wednesday) still contains three different options surrounding its overall objective. The draft retains

What’s Half a Degree Between Friends?

David Gawith | December 6th, 2015

After 21 years of negotiations and a targeted five year work program culminating in a two week conference, of which one week has already passed, you might have thought the

El Momento Político de París

David Gawith | December 1st, 2015

Nunca antes tantos líderes políticos habían coincidido en el mismo lugar. Lo más sorprendente es que se reunieron a hablar del clima.

The Political Moment of Paris

David Gawith | December 1st, 2015

The UN climate change negotiations opened in Paris with the participation of 150 heads of government.